Forum Index Filtering

To filter the list based on some text, type the text into the filter field and click “Filter”. The special symbols "/s" and "/c"(both
without the quotes) indicate sticky and closed threads respectively. Filtering is cumulative, with each successive filtering only
including the currently-displayed rows. This allows a search to be narrowed with a sequence of consecutivevfilter steps. To start
filtering again with the complete list, click “New Search”. Filter text is not case-sensitive.

Filter text by default may be in any column. To restrict it to a single column, precede the phrase with the column number followed by
a colon, for example: “3:sowry”. Column numbers are shown before the column titles.

Multiple phrases may be searched for at once with the phrases being separated by AND (&) and OR (|) symbols. AND conditions are
evaluated first with OR conditions last. This is equivalent to the expression (A&B)|(C&D)|(E&F). Do not include spaces
around these symbols unless you want spaces in your search phrase. To include & or | in the search phrase, type it twice, for
example, “R&&C”. Each occurrence must be doubled, so to search for “A && B”, you will need to enter “A &&&& B” as the search phrase.

Some Examples

grammar&karl ... any rows that have both "grammar" AND "karl" in any column.
grammar&3:karl ... as above but "karl" has to be in the Poster column.
grammar|karl ... any rows that have either "grammar" OR "karl" in any column.
grammar|3:karl ... as above but "karl" has to be in the Poster column.
grammar&karl|sowry ... any row that has "grammar" AND "karl" in any column, OR has "sowry" in any column.
grammar&karl|sowry&laptop ... any row that has "grammar" AND "karl" in any column, OR has "sowry" AND "laptop" in any column.
grammar&karl|3:R&&C ... any row that has “grammar” AND “karl” in any column, OR has “R&C” in the Poster column.
/s ... all sticky threads.
/c ... all closed threads.
/s&/c ... all threads that are both sticky and closed.
/s|/c ... all threads that are either sticky or closed.
/s&5:grammar ... all sticky threads that have "grammar" in the Message column.